Friday, January 16, 2009

jailed for a crime he DID commit

There was an early period where Rusty was tearing stuff up.
Robby's recliner got it the worst.

So for a short period, we were using this dogcage to keep the RustyDog in when no one was home. I never liked the idea, but at the time we were even talking about having to give him up. So we were ready to try anything.

I was surprised that he seemed to be okay with the cage, at times even comforted. But many times he didn't want to go in in the mornin gwhen he knew I was leaving. And I was always really worried about how long he stayed in there.

Fortunately, his behavior turned around pretty quick. I became a lot better of a dog owner. In either case, after a few months, the cage was used less and less until one day, I realized it was just wasting space.

Out back with you. To the yard! Where it lives even this sad day.

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